We all know the negative impacts that the COVID-19 virus has brought to our society in these recent weeks. Despite facing a higher challenge, mainly due to logistics scarcity, Fresh Quality has been working hard to keep supplying our products to the market. And there is a purpose behind this.
At this moment, the best we can all do is to follow the measures proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and to keep ourselves healthy to minimize the best we can the high risks of this pandemic. To do so, one of the best solutions, that is well within our reach, is to improve our imune system by eating healthy. As suppliers of fresh fruits and vegetables, some of our main products are rich in nutrients that can help with this task.
The medicinal strength of ginger is attested by the World Health Organization (WHO), which confirms its effective use in the treatment of colds and flu. This is because in addition to being a great anti-inflammatory, it relieves pain in general, strengthens the immune system and is still a good antibacterial. For all these factors, their teas and syrups are perfect for fighting coughs and phlegm, symptoms presented even in the slightest colds. It is also rich in vitamins C and B6.
Lime has a large amount of vitamin C, responsible for preventing inflammation in the body and improving defense mechanisms, thus strengthening the immune system and reducing the development of flu, colds and other diseases.
Guava is an excellent source of vitamin C, lycopene, anthocyanins and ellagic acid, have antioxidant, cardioprotective and immune-stimulating properties.
It is worth saying that there is no produce that can surely prevent the infection of the virus, however, by improving your imune system you may have more weapons to fight it.