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Highlights of the Season #1

2020 has just started and amongst our many available products we have select 3 highlights for the first months of the year.

1. St. Claus Melon

Our first highlight is the “Santa Claus” Melon, also known as “Piel de Sapo” Melon. Season is just starting and shipping is available by sea, departing from port of Salvador. The sizes range from 5 to 9 packed 15 Kg net cases (1536 cases per container). Brix level is over 14º. This product can be loaded with yellow melon, also great product for you. Both are available all year round. Our production region, in the state of Bahia, has the advantage of producing melons mainly "out of season" of Mossoró, the main region of Melon in Brazil.

2. Lime

Our premium quality Tahiti Limes are ready to ship by sea and air. The price is currently dropping and sizes are improving, ranging from 36 to 54 (mainly 42 and 48) in 4,5 Kg net cases. Containers are stuffed with 5418 cases and depart from port of Santos. For air shipping the minimum order is of 3 pallets with 156 cases per pallet and depart for GRU airport. Make sure you have this product at your table, awesome with fish, beef, salad, juicy...

3. Atemoya

Atemoyas are now in peak season, available by air from GRU airport or SSA airport. The current available variety is Geffner with Brix level over 24º. The minimum order is of 2 pallets with 80 cases and 5 Kg net cases per case. The sizes range from 9 to 17. It is amazing and delicious.

Make sure you also check out all of our products and have the best of Brazilian produce at your market.


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